Brolly's Personal Page


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Hey, this is my personal page devoted to nothin' but Brolly.






Bio On Brolly

To start with, Brolly was born at the same time as Kakarot. When Brolly was born he was like any other normal saijin, except that he had the power of a ssj 3. If you really want to know why Brolly wants to kill goku because when they were babies goku cried so much it drove Brolly insane. Another difference is that when goku is launched off into space to take over Earth, Brolly was not jetisoned off into space to take over any planets. Instead, when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegitta, Paragus (Brolly's father.)was with Brolly and Brolly made a strong field of energy prtecting Paragus and Brolly from the explosion. Brolly then flew them off to another planet where Brolly and paragus lived for around 23 years. An issue that happened during those years, Brolly poked out Paragus' left eye. So, Paragus waited one night until Brolly was asleep and he put a mind control device on Brolly for a long time. Until one day, Brolly somehow got the mind control device off and killed Paragus. Brolly then flew out into space to find and destroy Kakarot and anyone who got in his way.